Monday, November 23, 2009

The "Right" America

After viewing the HBO documentary, "The Right America," I was stunned and amazed at how backwards America is. The documentary highlights opinions of McCain/Palin supporters prior to the 2008 Presidential Election. There are so many racist comments and beliefs expressed, as well as misplaced beliefs. Many of the self-proclaimed "rednecks"were under the impression that Obama is pro-socialism, however, when asked what socialism was they had no idea. Why must we continue to pull and pull in the wrong direction, trying to work toward the wrong goals, being stubborn and stuck in our past lives? It's 2009 people...WAKE UP!

Although slavery does not exist legally, we continue to voluntarily sign ourselves up for labor. Black, white, blue, purple--color is obsolete. We all continue to hold onto ideals of our forefathers that are irrelevant to the present. We can't be anti-foreigners because America was built on immigration. We can't continue to see in black in white because our country is so mixed and encompasses more diversity than some of us can handle. Skin color cannot continue to be a deterrent and definition of an individual. No one person or type is better than another. Unfortunately, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideals about humanity will probably never fully come to pass--someone will always vehemently believe that they are superior and deserve more opportunities than another person based on their group orientations.

What is the "right" America? Will America ever be fully right?